Structural Elements of a Program
Image bm584.GIF text constant
The text constant returns the text that has been specified as its descriptive text.
Image bm585.GIF next line
The next line element is a text constant returning the line end text (two characters having a numeric value of 13 and 10, i.e. ASCII codes CR and LF).
Image bm586.GIF merge of texts
The merge of texts element serves to merge two or more texts into one text. The texts are added gradually in the succession from the top downwards.
Image bm587.GIF text identity
The text identity element is used to evaluate the congruency of texts. One or more texts can be entered. The texts are evaluated gradually from the top downwards. The element returns a validity flag in case all the texts are identical. A special case is a comparison of one text only. Here, the text is compared with an empty text, i.e. it is examined, if it is empty.
Note: The texts are compared while distinguishing uppercase and lowercase letters. If the texts are to be compared without distinguishing uppercase and lowercase letters, they must first be converted to either uppercase or lowercase letters.
Image bm588.GIF alphabetic comparison of texts
The alphabetic comparison of texts element serves to compare alphabetic sequence of texts for the purpose of alphabetic sorting. The comparison does not distinguish between upper case and lower case letters, but it respects the national specific information pursuant to the Windows system setting (i.e. letters with diacritics, or two-letter speech sounds). One or more texts can be entered to be compared. Texts are compared gradually from the top downwards. The element returns a validity flag in case it holds for every neighboring text pairs that the first (upper) text is alphabetically more remote than the other one (not being identical). The functional effect consists in comparing two list texts, and making a text interchange in case the first text lies alphabetically higher. A special case is a comparison of one text only. Here, the text is compared with an empty text, being examined, if it is not empty (contrary to the previous comparison).
Image bm589.GIF left part of text
Image bm590.GIF length of left part of text (number of characters)
Image bm591.GIF input text
Image bm592.GIF right part of text
Image bm593.GIF beginning of right part of text (position 0...)
Image bm591.GIF input text
Image bm594.GIF middle part of text
Image bm595.GIF beginning of middle part of text (position 0...)
Image bm596.GIF length of middle part of text (number of characters)
Image bm591.GIF input text
Image bm597.GIF length of text (returns number of characters)
Image bm598.GIF conversion of number from text to numerical form
Image bm599.GIF conversion of number from numerical to text form
Image bm600.GIF convert number to text - 2 decimal digits
Image bm601.GIF convert number to text - 8 hexadecimal digits
Image bm602.GIF convert character to numeric code
Image bm603.GIF convert numeric code to character
Image bm604.GIF convert to lower case
Image bm605.GIF convert to upper case
Image bm606.GIF find text position (returns position 0...; -1 = not found)
Image bm607.GIF text to be found
Image bm591.GIF input text
Image bm608.GIF number of text lines
Image bm609.GIF text line
Image bm610.GIF text line number (line number = 0...)
Image bm591.GIF input text
Image bm611.GIF text block
Image bm612.GIF line of the block beginning (default 0)
Image bm613.GIF position of the block beginning (default 0)
Image bm614.GIF line of the block end (default -1)
Image bm615.GIF position of the block end (default -1)
Image bm591.GIF input text
The text block element returns a selected part of a multiline text. A multiline text must use pair of the CR (code 13) and LF (code 10) characters to terminate text rows. The block line and position are entered as a number zero or more. The -1 number is used as an end of the text or row.

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